Lamb Taco

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  • a pound of minced lamb
  • tsp of cinnamon
  • tsp of cumin
  • tsp of oregano
  • salt and pepper
  • zest of a lemon
  • a handful of cabbage
  • 2 radishes
  • 1 thinly sliced jalapeño
  • half an onion
  • a handful or two of freshly cut cilantro
  • a tin of black beans
  • Mexican Creme
  • squeezed lime
  • cayanne to taste


Fry up the minced lamb, once cooked though add the spices and zest or lemon. For the beans simply heat a tin of black beans slowly with a little of the tins liquid. Add a small handful of the chopped onion.For the sour creme, use Mexican Creme, mix in chopped cilantro, a squeezed lime, salt and pepper and Cayenne to taste.

Serve with thinly sliced cabbage, a couple of thinly sliced radishes, a thinly sliced pepper, half an onion sliced super fine and a handful of chopped cilantro.